Are the postings screened?
Yes. We manually filter the postings for language to ensure content is suitable for all audiences.

How often are posts made?
Whenever an animator is able to show progress on what they are working on, they will make a post. This could be twice a week or several times in a day.

Why were the Digital Dailies created?
The original intent of the Digital Dailies was for the production team, who work within a flex-hours system, to be able to offer commentary to other staff members who do not work the same hours. In addition, our producer travels a great deal and needed to be able to check on production from anywhere around the globe. This system takes advantage of technology to
easily and effectively collaborate between our animation teams and strengthen our work.

How many people use the Digital Dailies?
Within Fathom Studios, there are only about twenty people who have posting privileges yet everyone in the company can view the posts and email the poster directly with comments. This posting restriction is to streamline the quantity of postings and prevent the Digital Dailies from becoming unwieldy.

Why isn't the public given the opportunity to post?
This was a big decision for us. While we are making this movie for the public and we would like comments from those outside of our studios to help us make the best film possible, we are working on a tight production schedule and can't afford to derail our timeline with outside comments for revisions on every step of production.

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