Posted by:
Artisan Of Rhythmic Momentum

07/25/01 05:04 PM
Kyla the multi-colored one
I like "B" the most in close but I like "D" the most in distance. In distance, "B" images doesn't apeal as a warm skin feeling but kinda heavy theater makeup. "D" gives me a sense of warm skin feeling in distance but in close looking, it looks like a heavy make up. It might look better something between "B" and "D".

In my opinion, I suggest to make blue more light value, and add some red color around her cheek, eyes, and nose. Or, maybe instead of blue, maybe we can try light cyan which might gives more sense of warm skin.

Posted by:
Sovereign Architect of Creation

07/26/01 08:27 AM
Kyla the multi-colored one
Well gang my two favorites are C and D. Also I just want to let everyone know why we are going thru this so it's clear.

There are two main points that we are trying to address -

1. She needs to look more alien and less human. this one is easy, change the skin color and patterning from something that isn't human looking. 2. Make the characters more appealing and fun to look at. This is key, we want peoples eyes to look at our characters not slide off them and have them lost in the background. Our characters need to be interesting and differant.

Most of the comments we got before were things like she isn't attractive, or isn't appealing. I honestly think this is because we were trying to make her too human but because she was close but not so she looked out of place and very odd, like a shaved ape. With this fantasical coloring we have added a whole new level of definition to the character's faces and forms and given the audience something differant to look at. She now looks more like an alien and as such is easier to swallow as appealing. Funny isn't it that colors can make something easier on the eyes...

As to the Nohri looking like tropical birds or fish - this is a good thing. Let us think for a moment about their culture and their nature. We have a very structured artisocratic society whom flies that is all about ornamentation and scroll work, elaborate patterns, and dynamic colors in their architecture. You tell me does the change fit them? I think so. I am down with making them more interesting to look at, more dynamic and more flowery. I like the fact now that Kyla's skin or the guards skin feels more complex and natural instead of a "flat" color. Think specificly on other cultures and how they dress themselves to appear more appealing or attractive - what we as human are doing is saying hey look at me. It's one of our ways at attracting mates, influencing others etc. Animals use it for the same reasons, but also for camoflage, or warnings etc. So the Norhi being animals that fly I think that their skin would have had maybe way back on the evolutionary chain been blue, but as they evolved they developed a second tone that represented their gender and their culture. Conversly this could be argued fromt he opposite point that it is an evolutionary left over from whent they were more bird like... either way it works logically.

But these are my comments and reasons for going forward with this. Obviously the concerns of costuming and set design are valid. But so far Kyla is the only primary Norhi that has been textured and as Avatar of Enchanted Worlds and Wonders said he didn't really like all that pink anyway. My concern is how will they look in there sets - we will test this never fear. Either way I feel that going in this direction is the right one and we will make changes to what ever we need to in order to make it work - I honestly feel that this will be a minor issue, but we will see.

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