Posted by:
Sleuth of Emotive Whimsy

09/19/05 05:07 PM

blast10.avi (478k)
so far

1 first few frames are odd- delgo''s foot is stuck on first two frames and he looks like he just flies into screen, like his body is stuck in one pose as he glides in.
2 motion on left leg from frame 6 to 7 seems extreme
3 this might be remedied with the thing mentioned in 1, but he seems like he is running into the shot with his arms spread
4 try to vary expression a little during the shot, probably around 6-13. its hard to see anything playing in real time, but it feels a little stiff when watching it play
5 fix penetrations on kings coat, feathers, delgo''s feet, etc

09/19/05 11:10 AM
: 6 piece of the chandelier should be falling at open of shot to match (what we are changing) in previous shot with a piece of the curved lattice work falling. it should bounce slightly to the side of the king, between him and camera
7 when the ring falls, it should be more towards the center of the screen so it looks more threatening. now it looks like it would''ve just hit the kings legs.

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