Posted By:
Illusionist of the Metaphysical Marionettes

07/12/05 01:40 PM

2_31_016_00.avi (974k)
Notes: in general, the dodges arent feeling good, B just feels like he isnt swinging at him much and R isnt even really having to work to dodge. to fix this, here is the choreography:

1 bogie dodge first swing

2 bogie lunge with right sword and raius dodged, turning towards camera (so sword comes between us and raius, making it very aparent that he dodge a stab from bogie

3 bogie follows his missed lunge with a swing from his left hand sword, raius ducks under it an swings up with his sword, knocking bogie''''s sword from his hand differently than he did will be at then end of bogie''''s swing on his right side of his body instead of his left...we need to tweak the next shot to account for this

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